Former Pennsylvania State Senator Bob Regola is President and CEO of Regola Consulting, LLC. His duties include overseeing projects, leading legislative lobbying efforts, and assisting clients with governmental and regulatory agencies.
Regola has bipartisan relationships with his former colleagues, the Legislative branch, Executive branch, department secretaries, and key staff. Furthermore, he is well respected by his former colleagues, and as a result they are more inclined to listen to his point of view and speak frankly to him. This becomes invaluable with lobbying efforts. He will provide strategic advice for potential legislation or current bills, whether in a particular committee or scheduled for a vote. Finally, he will lobby and monitor legislation that will benefit his client's needs.

Regola Consulting has an extensive array of contacts in various fields that can help enhance your efforts to make your project a success. Whether the project simply demands assistance in preparing and submitting grant applications, or if it involves searching for possible public finance sources, tweaking various aspects of the project to make it more attractive to public financing sources, or beginning to end consulting on a project, the necessary resources are in place. From legal assistance, engineering assistance, marketing assistance, and, of course, lobbying assistance, Regola Consulting can bring to the table all the components you need.
As former State Senator, Bob Regola has the experience needed to talk to his former colleagues and get the job done.